This Blog is just to present my favorite flowers and flowering plants from different areas of world.

Earth laughs in flowers......

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Flowers with zero care ...1

While roaming near the research field of Bangladesh Agricultural University, I have been always looking for plants with no care, i.e. the weeds. 

Today, I have captured a plant with beautiful mesmerizing pink flowers, lush green leaves, commonly as Fulkuri, Dochunti, Bhurvushi, Uchunti etc. in Bangladesh. Here are some pictures and IDs of the captured beauty.

                                                    Common name: ফুলকুড়ি, দোচুন্টি, ভুরভুষি, উচুন্টি, White weed, Appa grass, 
                                                     Conyzoid floss-flower, Bastard agrimony
Scientific name: Ageratum conyzoides L.
                                                                  Family: Asteraceae
                                                                  Location: Research Farm, Bangladesh Agricultural University,

Ageratum conyzoides