This Blog is just to present my favorite flowers and flowering plants from different areas of world.

Earth laughs in flowers......

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Two pink beauties from Botanical Garden

Last week I was walking through the narrow walk way at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) Botanical Garden, and found two dazzling pink beauties, first one was a creeper, and second  was a shrub. Out of habit I felt curious, snapped them, and later on searched for their identity.

Here are two pink beauties:

অনন্ত লতার ঝাড়, Branches of Chain-of-love
অনন্ত লতা ফুল, Chain-of-love flower

 Common Name: অনন্ত লতা, Chain on love, Mexican creeper, 
Coral vine, Coralita, Bee bush, San Miguelito vine
Scientific Name: Antigonon leptopus
Family: Polygonaceae
Location: BAU Botanical Garden, Mymensingh

পঞ্চমী গাছ,  Pentas Plant

            পঞ্চমী ফুল, Common centaury flower

Common name: পঞ্চমী, Pentas, Starcluster, Common centaury, European centaury
Scientific name: Centaurium erythraea
Family: Gentianaceae
Location: BAU Botanical Garden,  Mymensingh

Shall come back with more beauties!!