Spring is knocking at the door, so I have to prepare myself to frame lots of flowers. This is the first step of preparations, uploading rest of the flower pictures I have taken during winter time. i couldn't identify couple of flowers, those are also here to catch your attention.
Scientific Name: Pelargonium capitatum
Family: Geraniaceae
Spot: Cottesloe Beach
Date Taken: 20.07.2008
Common Name: Many Flowered Honeysuckle
Scientific Name: Lambertia multiflore
Family: Proteaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Date Taken: 20.07.2008
Family: Myrtaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Date Taken: 20.07.2008
Spot: Kings Park
Date Taken: 20.07.2008
Scientific Name: Thryptomene strongylophylla
Family: Myrtaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Scientific Name: Hypocalymma robustum
Family: Myrtaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Scientific Name: Kunzea baxteri
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Scientific Name: Keraudrenia integrifolia
Family: Sterculiaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Scientific Name: Dodonaea attenuata
Family: Sapindaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Family: Sapindaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Scientific Name: Nematolepis phebalioides
Family: Rutaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Family: Asteraceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Common Name: Hooker's Banksia
Scientific Name: Banksia hookeriana
Family: Proteaceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
(I searched a lot to name it then, but I failed. After 14 years, with the help of google lens, I could identify the plant species.)
Common name: White ramping fumitory
Scientific name: Fumaria capreolata
Family: Papaveraceae
Spot: Kings Park
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Taken on: 20.07.2008
Common name: Crimson Joy, red lachenalia (Eng.); rooinaeltjie (African)
Scientific name: Lachenalia bulbifera
Family: Hyacinthaceae
~Thats All From This Winter~
Waiting for lavish spring!
সুন্দর ছবি :-)
Beautiful Flowers!!
Wee Siang (a visitor)
আপনি দেখি ফুল প্রেমী। :)
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