I was frustated since June, because I found only few plants with exciting flowers around me. I mentioned earlier that July is not a flower friendly month. So I tried with Kings Park, though it is winter, but I found many flowers. It seems that those flowers dont care about winter. Hats off for those fighters. Here are few of them.
Scientific name: Verticordia grandis
Family: Myrtaceae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008
Scientific name: Ptilotus macrocephalus
Family: Amaranthaceae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008
Scientific name: Beaufortia squarrosa
Family: Myrtaceae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008
Scientific name: Darwinia oldfieldii
Family: Myrtaceae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008
Scientific name: Goodenia scapigera
Scientific name: Kennedia prostrate
Scientific name: Hibberita hypericoides
Scientific name: Darwinia macrostegia
Family: Myrtaceae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008
Scientific name: Dryandra sessilis Family: Myrtaceae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008

Scientific name: Philotheca spicatus
Family: Rutaceae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008

Scientific name: Daviesia divaricata
Family: Leguminosae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008

Scientific name: Hovea trisperma
Family: Leguminosae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008

Scientific name: Acacia pulchella
Family: Leguminosae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008
Scientific name: Hardenbergia comptoniana
Family: Leguminosae
Location: Kings Park
Snapped on: 13 July 2008
Hats off to you, too.
The effort made in ID-ing the plants is impressive!
Impressive blog. Glad I found you (via a Google alert for Myrtaceae). Looking forward to more, much more.
Many Many thanks to both of you. It would be a inspiration for me.
pretty pictures of plants and flowers!
Bainbridge Island florist
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