Its quite fortunate that people haven't forgotten this blog, and I am getting notifications frequently on their visit. Thanks google search for keeping this irregular blog in their regular searchable areas.
Today, I am going to post some flowers which are not of any agricultural use, but might be grown as ornamental plant, or spontaneously grow as weed in Bangladesh. Those, who are familiar with tropical floras, might not be surprised.
Common Name: Koli Joba,কলি জবা
Scientific Name: Hibiscus rosa sinensis
Family: Malvaceae
Status: Ornamental plant
Place: BAU Botanical Garden
Common Name: শিয়ালমুত্রা, ডানকোনী, কুকসিমা, Little ironweed
Scientific Name: Cyanthillium cinereum
Family: Asteraceae
Status: Weed
Place: BAU Botanical Garden
Common Name: Indian Rhododendron, দাঁতরাঙা
Scientific Name: Melastoma malabathricum
Family: Ericaceae
Status: Ornamental, Weed
Place: BAU Botanical Garden
Common Name: Lantana, ল্যান্টানা, ছত্রা, পুটুশ
Scientific Name: Lantana camara
Family: Verbenaceae
Status: Ornamental, Weed
Place: BAU Botanical Garden
Common Name: Touch me not, লজ্জাবতী
Scientific Name: Mimosa pudica
Family: Fabaceae
Status: Ornamental, Weed
Place: BAU Botanical Garden
Common Name: Coastal vitex, Neel Nishinda, নীল নিশিন্দা
Scientific Name: Vitex trifolia
Family: Lamiaceae
Location: Cox's Bazar
Time: October, 2013
Hope to come back soon..........