This Blog is just to present my favorite flowers and flowering plants from different areas of world.

Earth laughs in flowers......

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Again..back to the track....with flowers

After A Longtime............ again some flowers got the chance to open their face through my blog (those are already familiar with webblog by other naturebloggers). Now, I have many flowers in my storage disk and I am planning to post all those in a regual intervals.

Here are some.............. All were taken at Perth, Western Australia.

Common Name: Weeping Lantana

Scientific Name: Lantana montevidensis

Family: Verbenaceae

Dateline: September, 2008

Common Name: Wiry honeymyrtle

Scientific Name: Melaleuca filifolia

Family: Myrtaceae

Dateline: September, 2008

Common name: Silver cassia

Scientific name: Senna artemisioides

Family: Caesalpiniaceae

Dateline: September, 2008

Common name: Mottlecah

Scientific name: Eucalyptus macrocarpa

Family: Myrtaceae

Dateline: September, 2008

Common name: Sydney Golden Wattle

Scientific name: Acacia longifolia

Family: Mimosoideae
Dateline: September, 2008

Common Name: Geraldton wax flower

Scientifc Name: Chamelaucium uncinatum

Family: Myrtaceae

Dateline: September, 2008

Common Name: Geraldton wax (Purple pride)
Scientific Name: Chamelaucium "Purple Pride"
Family: Myrtaceae
Dateline: September, 2008

Common Name: Daffodil

Scientific name: Narcissus pseudonarcissus
Family: Amaryllidaceae

Dateline: September, 2008